Mythic demise

In the shallow waters of some pond nearby 

filled with algae mud with years passing by 

Where the fishes gnaw loud to warn against bliss—

And the queer snakes harshly call out their "hiss"

I lay half drowned, dashing all hopes on me.

Hopes? Maybe frustrations, to some degree.

Impassively I search for you, for us, endlessly—

The remaining flesh, now having pity on me.

Cushy life's not for everyone. Now I know.

I belong to the strata which lie just below;

Perhaps only pain makes us shine and glow— 

With filth and dross let death come so.

Now bones are exposed. Body is numb.

Pain no more makes my mind succumb

Please yourself, I'm all deaf and dumb—

Feed me some more, will you? Please?

Bleed me some, 



An explanation for the ease of interested readers.

Literal meaning:

Marlowe was frustrated with anything and everything going on in his life. Surviving in this world seemed to be useless in the days of agony and partnerless times. He evidently tries to take his own life. Whether he was in the right state or no, we can’t say so but he was stuck on to the fact that his death won’t be something of a convention. Rather his death would arrive by some means rather unknown, rather unique to mankind. He decides to sacrifice himself in a historically old lake nearby which over the years have accumulated enough filth to kill any healthy person. Cherry on top being the fishes and snakes which roam around, not-so-casually. The fishes are omen of bad death. They absolutely despise happiness of any other being, same in case of the snakes.

He submerges his lower torso till his chest underwater waiting for the feast to start and his life to bid him adieu. Many thoughts ponder in his head, including hopes of his well wishers but he shrugs them off his shoulders calling the hopes “frustrations”. Indeed they were, Marlowe wasn’t wrong at this point. He searches for his loved ones nearby who were nowhere to be seen. He searches for the past relations with them, who were nowhere to be seen. This affirms him that the decision he took wasn’t probably too wrong. By now the creatures underneath him was snatching away any piece of morsel left on his hindlimbs but all he could think of was void.

An easy life is not gifted to everyone by the lord. A few people deserve it. Some more among the subset don’t fit into that “easy-going” life, Marlowe being the prime example. Once Abimbola told him “We belong to such a category of people who likes life to be in pain. Under stress. Only then can we find peace. Not everyone is like us.” Same, he won’t have had a great life if it wasn’t for his agony. He wants the same pain while dying for himself. The same afflicting pain to turn him into a corpse.

Now while the carnivores are doing their thing very efficiently, his bones have started to come out piercing the remaining flesh; albeit, he doesn’t feel any pain. If it was some other time he would have screamed and would have been done for. But owing to law of suppression, he was numb. His mind didn’t give in to the “less” physical pain than the agony “within”. He is now left with the last moments of his life in which he wants to please everyone with everything he’s gotten so far. Surprisingly, he now wants someone to love him the same way he loved others in his conscious days. He has gotten anoxygenic. He wants someone to pour some blood in his body which has diffused out in the lake, which is now red with his blood. He wants love, now. After everything is finished.


Metaphorical meaning:

Love is such a great baffler, isn’t it? Love is mirage. People long for it the whole life, search for it the whole life and once they’ve got to taste the bittersweet it brings, they’re tired of it. Nothing brings them back again to the same path, to the same line ever again. Love is shallow, love is almost empty like that of a dried-up lake which appears more brimming than ever. Everyone in his lifetime faces heartbreak which acts as dirt, mud and algae. They make the water dirty. They make the love mucky. They make loving someone hard but not impossible. Like the lake with snakes and fishes in it, love is adulterated with detrimental feelings.

Now after a severe heartbreak the relationship lies in a dilapidated state, half living and half dead. Half drowned, as depicted in the tale. The hopes of reconciliation have almost turned into a void. Rather to put it well, reconciliation is distress. It is destruction. It is frustration. Better to end than to reconcile, the relationship says. Although it searches for the two people in association, it is self-aware of destructive future.

A healthy relationship is not everyone’s cup of tea, for some people deserve the worse. Some tales are only good due to the bitter taste it ends with. The pain, agony and the suffering are what makes them special. The relationship now wants to embrace death, with nowhere to go.

In the last phase the kinship, it screams for some love, for some unity to bind them again. Although the relationship is now no more in existence, it demands for some love, some passion (blood) to be fed to him.

The end, as we all know, doesn’t end well. In some other perspective, maybe the end is the best when it doesn’t end well.


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