concrete roads pt.2
Subconsciously I was searching for the reference to the line
I just wrote, I guess that provides a well-established portrayal of how my days
are going. I see people, I hear their words, I smell hatred, I feel vengeance. I
see admiration, I see perception, I see perspective and I see promises. Kept and
forgotten. I see truth and I see labour. I see advantage, I see favour. I see
bruises and I see flowers. I see poverty by the old rotting towers. For every bit
of things that hurt me, consciously or not, a part of me becomes strong. And when
it happens, I become happy. That’s where the problem starts, my otherwise dull
brain starts to work in its full potential thereby resulting in emission of
thoughts which takes a toll on me, my mind, my body and heart. How can
something which hurt YOU make you happy? Are you a good person, at all, if you
continue to be someone who gets happy with someone/something being harmed/hurt?
It’s not like I have
any choice, do I? This habit of me overthinking TAKES A TOLL. Makes me
Then there comes the thing with emotions known as drawbacks,
essentially called পিছুটান in its truest form. Unadulterated.
In this phase I am in, I have a lot of drawbacks and when I talk about it, I am
always faced with one simple question confronting me. The question being, why
don’t I remove the pulling force from my life and live a life without it
happily ever after. Well, the answer maybe is really simple. We call it
drawback and not setback necessarily as we find it difficult to remove it. If the
roots of a plant are destroyed, the plant being alive doesn’t make sense. I can’t
remove that, had I any option, still I’d gladly choose not to.
It's not like I have any choice, do I?