Mortification of worldly feelings.


Why did I once promise you “forever”?

Why did Dariya pull me off you? Everything is planned. Maybe. For our own good? Yes.

Love that remains never clears up the sky… for love that remains is like a piece of impurity that holds the power to contaminate the whole culture and ruin the whole experiment. Likewise love that remains always is successful to ruin the remaining bonds present, if any.

I have often seen people crying for their loved ones and mourning on their passing away. But what, in the end, is passing away? What is difference between the void created by death and the void forced in by someone who is isolated by their own will for their own good and the betterment of the others? Let us take a situation as an example of my explanation. My grandfather passes away one day and on the same day someone (someone*) decides not to talk to me for reasons best known to him/her. If he/she manages to somehow maintain ideal conditions and successfully dodge every attempt of mine of contacting him/her and say there is a void created in between.

Question 1. What is the difference between void created in case of my grandpa passing away and, in the void, forced by the person (that someone) who decided to cut me off?

Question 2. Should I not consider that person dead from my side?

Question 3. Why do people whom you love hurt you the most? In all fucking aspects?

Until someone manages to revert back to me the answer to the three aforesaid questions, you’re a distant dream, which has died for me, since the day this has been published in the blog. Who is the you here readers may ask. You’re the someone whom I wish to meet sometime in my next rebirth, in a hope you’ll break my heart again.


P.s.: No consumption of any sorts of addictive products including nicotine, alcohol or cannabinoids has been done in writing of this piece.

P.p.s.: Readers are expected to not take any comments in this piece seriously. This is just a thing of extreme productivity of an idle mind who, ideally should work on his research project.


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